Sentence Fusion using Deep Learning
Abstractive Summarization, Deep Learning, Sentence FusionAbstract
The human process of document summarization involves summarizing a document by sentence fusion. Sentence fusion combines two or more sentences to create an abstract sentence. Sentence fusion is useful to convert an extractive summary to an abstractive summary. The extractive summary contains a set of salient sentences selected from a single document or multiple related documents. Redundancy creates problems while creating an extractive summary because it contains sentences whose segments or phrases are redundant. Sentence fusion helps to remove redundancy by fusing sentences into a single abstract sentence. This moves an extractive summary to an abstractive summary. In this paper, we present an approach that uses a deep learning model for sentence fusion. which is trained over a large dataset. We have tested our approach through both manual evaluation and system evaluation. The result of our proposed approach shows that our model is good enough to fuse sentences effectively.
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