Enhanced Security in Public Key Cryptography: A Novel Approach Combining Gaussian Graceful Labeling and NTRU Public Key Cryptosystem





Gaussian graceful labeling, NTRU public key cryptosystem, Security system, Encryption, Decryption


This research explores an encryption system that combines the Nth-degree Truncated Polynomial Ring Unit (NTRU) public key cryptosystem with Gaussian Graceful Labeling. This process assigns distinct labels to a graph's vertices, resulting in successive Gaussian integers. The NTRU method offers enhanced security and efficient key exchange. The communication encryption process depends on integers P, a, and b, with P being the largest prime number in the vertex labeling. The original receivers are the vertex labeling with the largest prime number coefficient, while all other receivers receive messages from the sender. A polynomial algebraic mixing system and a clustering principle based on the abecedarian probability proposition are used in NTRU encryption and decryption. The choice of relatively prime integers p and q in NTRU plays a role in the construction of polynomial rings used for encryption and decryption, with specific choices and properties designed to ensure scheme security.


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How to Cite

S. Kavitha, G. Jayalalitha, and K. Sivaranjani, “Enhanced Security in Public Key Cryptography: A Novel Approach Combining Gaussian Graceful Labeling and NTRU Public Key Cryptosystem”, EAI Endorsed Trans IoT, vol. 10, Feb. 2024.