FPGA implementation of sobel edge detection algorithm
Sobel edge detection algorithm, Matlab, FPGAAbstract
Sobel Edge detection algorithm is used to extract the edges (region of maximum variation) from an image. It is based on the concept that the edges of an image contains maximum information whose computation depends on multipliers and square root. As multipliers consume more logic, a modified sobel edge detection algorithm which does not employ multipliers and square root function is proposed. A mathematical model of the proposed sobel edge algorithm was first developed and MATLAB was used to verify the model. On comparing with the original model, the proposed model has a SSIM of 96.43%. To analyse the hardware complexity, Verilog model of the modified sobel edge detection algorithm was developed using Quartus II. The chosen evaluation board is Cylone III FPGA EP3C120F780. The performance metrics such has Logic Elements utilization, Power dissipation and Maximum Operating Frequency were obtained. Open-Source toolchain (Yosys, OpenVPR, and Google Skywater 130nm PDK) was used to obtain the RTL Netlist and Synthesis reports. Verilog Modules for the Camera (CMOS OV7670) interface and FIFO Buffer were synthesized. The modified algorithm was integrated with them. An HSMC (HSMB) breakout board was connected to the FPGA Development board to increase the number of I/O ports. Thus in real time, the proposed modified Sobel Edge detection system can be used as a pre-processor to reduce the amount of computations and power consumption.
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