Examining the Influence of Security Perception on Customer Satisfaction: A Quantitative Survey in Vietnam


  • Ta Thi Nguyet Trang Thai Nguyen University image/svg+xml
  • Pham Chien Thang Thai Nguyen University image/svg+xml
  • Tran Quang Quy Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology




Security perception, Customer Satisfaction, E-commerce, Internet of Things



INTRODUCTION: This study explores the elements that impact consumer satisfaction in e-commerce settings, focusing on the perception of security. The prominence of e-commerce highlights the necessity of understanding customer satisfaction determinants, emphasizing the importance of creating a secure e-commerce environment.

OBJECTIVES: Four hypotheses focused on security perception, customer service, product information, and website design affecting customer satisfaction were established and tested. A sample of Vietnamese consumers was utilized to examine these relationships empirically.

METHODS: This study employed a quantitative research approach. The multiple linear regression analysis was used to test the research hypothesis. The SPSS (IBM) Version 26 software was used for statistical data treatment.

RESULTS: The results revealed that security perception, customer service, and product information significantly influenced customer satisfaction, whereas website design did not. Notably, security perception emerged as a critical determinant of customer satisfaction. The outcomes of this study augment the existing scholarly resources, offering substantiated data concerning the significance of security perceptions in influencing customer gratification.

CONCLUSION: Practical implications for online retailers include prioritizing enhancing security features, improving customer service, and providing comprehensive product information. However, this study may restrict the generalizability of the results, highlighting the need for additional research in various circumstances.


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How to Cite

T. T. N. Trang, P. C. Thang, and T. Q. Quy, “Examining the Influence of Security Perception on Customer Satisfaction: A Quantitative Survey in Vietnam”, EAI Endorsed Trans IoT, vol. 10, Feb. 2024.