Study on Evolutionary Approaches for Improving the Energy Efficiency of Wireless Sensor Networks Applications


  • D. Lubin Balasubramanian Pondicherry Engineering College
  • V. Govindasamy Pondicherry Engineering College



Wireless Sensor Networks, Evolutionary Algorithms, Solution Representation, Binary, Discrete


One of the drastically increasing and tremendously demanding networks is the wireless sensor network, which provides an elastic platform where any user can design their sensor-based applications easily. Most of the WSN applications can be accommodated in the existing infrastructure or not require any predefined infrastructure. But it has a wide range of applications across the globe which further increases the complexity of the problems in it. Because WSN is a resourceconstrained kind of network where energy consumption is one of the major problems. Some of the problems were addressed by deterministic approaches discussed in earlier research works. In case of efficient routing of messages across the network dynamic programming is one of the deterministic approaches which addresses an efficient routing algorithm. But for a wide range of WSN deterministic algorithms are a time-consuming process. On the other hand, evolutionary algorithms are one such fast-growing domain in the past few decades which addresses many of WSN problems. This paper is a comprehensive survey on the Application of Evolutionary Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks. A detailed description of the papers taken for the survey is tabulated in this paper.


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How to Cite

D. . Lubin Balasubramanian and V. . Govindasamy, “ Study on Evolutionary Approaches for Improving the Energy Efficiency of Wireless Sensor Networks Applications”, EAI Endorsed Trans IoT, vol. 5, no. 20, p. e2, Oct. 2019.