Publication and Discovery of Things in the Internet of Things


  • Naseem Ibrahim Penn State Behrend



Internet of Things, Service-oriented Architecture, Context, Publication, Discovery


A large number of IoT platforms have been introduced in the last few years. The major issue with available platforms is that they view Things as private property. But this view is short sighted. A Thing should be viewed as a service or a functionality provider. The Thing owner should be able to publish Thing information and make it public. On the other hand, Thing requesters should be able to discover available Things. Our research is concerned with introducing an architecture that supports the publication and discovery of Things. This architecture will enable Thing owners to publish Thing specification and Thing requesters to find Things that best matches their needs. The main contribution of this paper is an SOA Context-aware Architecture for the publication and discovery of Things. This paper formally defines an architecture for Things and queries. Also, this paper presents two XML languages that supports the publication and query of Things.


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How to Cite

N. . Ibrahim, “Publication and Discovery of Things in the Internet of Things”, EAI Endorsed Trans IoT, vol. 4, no. 14, p. e3, Mar. 2018.