LSTM-BIGRU based Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio
Spectrum Sensing, wireless communication, CKC, MCC coefficientAbstract
There is a shortage of wireless spectrum due to developments in the area of wireless communications as well as the number of users that are using resources. Spectrum sensing is a method that solves the issue of shortage. Deep learning surpasses classical methods in spectrum sensing by enabling autonomous feature learning, which enables the adaptive identification of complicated patterns in radio frequency data for cognitive radio in wireless sensor networks. This innovation increases the system's capacity to manage dynamic, real-time circumstances, resulting in increased accuracy over traditional approaches. Spectrum sensing (SS) using LSTM-BIGRU with gaussian noise has been suggested in this article. Long-term dependencies in sequential data are well- preserved by LSTM due to its dedicated memory cells. In addressing and man- aging long-term dependencies in sequential data, BIGRU's integration enhances the efficacy of the model as a whole. To conduct the investigation, RadioML2016.04C.multisnr open-source dataset was utilized. Whereas, by using RadioML2016.10b open-source dataset, QAM64, QPSK and QAM16 performance evaluation has been investigated. The experimental findings demonstrate that the suggested Spectrum Sensing has better accuracy on the dataset particularly at lower SNRs. The improved spectrum sensing (SS) performance of our suggested model is shown by the evaluation of performance indicators, such as the F1 Score, CKC and Matthew's correlation coefficient, highlighting its potency in the field of spectrum sensing applications.
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