The Internet of things technology in the rehabilitation for the disabled in China: A survey
Rehabilitation for the disabled, The Internet of things, Intelligent management, RFID sensorAbstract
According to the WORLD Disabled Persons federation (WPF), there are a large number of disabled people in the world, accounting for over 400 million in the Asia-Pacific region alone. This paper discusses the application of the Internet of Things technology in the rehabilitation of special populations, aiming at achieving high allocation of resources without changing personnel allocation, realizing innovation to improve economic benefits without changing personnel allocation, and rationally optimizing resource allocation to achieve maximum. Firstly, we give an overview of the Internet of Things technology and its application, and introduce the sensor, RFID, embedded system and other technologies. Then, we discuss the application of Internet of Things technology in the rehabilitation of disabled people, from the rehabilitation needs of disabled people and the application of Internet of Things technology in the field of rehabilitation. Then, from the statistical analysis of the application of Internet of Things technology in the rehabilitation field in the past 10 years, we obtained the shortcomings of the application of Internet of Things technology in the rehabilitation field and some space for further exploration. Finally, we believe that the application of Internet of Things technology to the rehabilitation management of persons with disabilities will be a breakthrough in the rehabilitation management of persons with disabilities, and have important reference value for the rehabilitation management of persons with disabilities worldwide. We also hope that understanding, respecting, caring and helping people with disabilities will increasingly become a global consensus and action.
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X.Lu, X.Li, and e. Z.Qiu, "Logistic regression analysis of rehabilitation needs and development of rehabilitation services for visually impaired persons," Chinese Rehabilitation Theory and Practice, vol. 26, no. 05, pp. 513-517, 2020. [Online]. Available:
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Y.Guo, "Research on Japan's Nursing Care Insurance System and Its Enlightenment to China," master, Shan Dong University, 2018.
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J.Shen and P.Zhang, "Design and implementation of community medical management system based on Internet of Things," Information and Computers (Theory Edition), vol. 32, no. 01, pp. 102-104, 2020.
X.Yin, K.Dong, and Q.Meng, "Exploration on the new model of Internet + rehabilitation medicine," Chinese Journal of Health Information Management, vol. 13, no. 02, pp. 115-118, 2016.
M.Tang, G.Wang, Y.Sun, and P.Zhan, "Framework design of intelligent rehabilitation medical service platform for the elderly in the community under the background of Internet +," Hunan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, vol. 37, no. 09, pp. 208-212, 2021, doi: 10.16808/j.cnki.issn1003-7705.2021.09.066.
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Y. H. Lee et al., "Impact of home-based exercise training with wireless monitoring on patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention," Journal of Korean Medical Science, vol. 28, no. 4, 2013. DOI:
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T. Kosar, Z. Lu, M. Mernik, M. Horvat, and M. Repinek, "A Case Study on the Design and Implementation of a Platform for Hand Rehabilitation," Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 389, 2021. DOI:
Y.Gao, Y.Guo, X.Tian, X.Tang, and Y.Zuo, "Development and application of intelligent lower extremity rehabilitation system based on intelligent medical treatment," China Medical Device Magazine, vol. 43, no. 03, pp. 179-182, 2019.
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