Infrastructure-less Occupancy Detection and Semantic Localization in Smart Environments




crowdsourcing, opportunistic sensing, occupancy counting, semantic localization


Accurate estimation of localized occupancy related informa- tion in real time enables a broad range of intelligent smart environment applications. A large number of studies using heterogeneous sensor arrays reflect the myriad requirements of various emerging pervasive, ubiquitous and participatory sensing applications. In this paper, we introduce a zero- configuration and infrastructure-less smartphone based lo- cation specific occupancy estimation model. We opportunis- tically exploit smartphone’s acoustic sensors in a conversing environment and motion sensors in absence of any conver- sational data. We demonstrate a novel speaker estimation algorithm based on unsupervised clustering of overlapped and non-overlapped conversational data and a change point detection algorithm for locomotive motion of the users to infer the occupancy. We augment our occupancy detection model with a fingerprinting based methodology using smart- phone’s magnetometer sensor to accurately assimilate loca- tion information of any gathering. We postulate a novel crowdsourcing-based approach to annotate the semantic lo- cation of the occupancy. We evaluate our algorithms in dif- ferent contexts; conversational, silence and mixed in pres- ence of 10 domestic users. Our experimental results on real-life data traces in natural settings show that using this hybrid approach, we can achieve approximately 0.76 error count distance for occupancy detection accuracy on aver- age.




How to Cite

Al Hafiz Khan MA, Sajjad Hossain HM, Roy N. Infrastructure-less Occupancy Detection and Semantic Localization in Smart Environments. EAI Endorsed Trans Context Aware Syst App [Internet]. 2015 Aug. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];2(5):e3. Available from: