Control issues, artificial neural network (ANN) for acrobot system


  • Nguyen Danh



acrobot, PID strategy, LEAD strategy, LAG strategy, ANN


Acrobot is a robotic system with several levels of operational states investigated by the author. Due to the limited nature of the investigation under certain ideal conditions, designers have to create some algorithms that control the system most appropriately in a given working environment. In this paper, the author proposed the problem of designing, modeling and controlling an acrobot system, including ANN. Mathematical models, Simulink are also presented in a specific way. Simulation parameters have been adjusted to be the most suitable and intuitive. Based on the simulation data, the performance analysis of the system becomes more accurate. Above suggestions are intended to serve vocational education and scientific research. ANN is the most intelligent control method currently added in this paper to firmly confirm its effectiveness in all problems. Proposing control strategies for different models is also applied by the author.



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How to Cite

Danh N. Control issues, artificial neural network (ANN) for acrobot system. EAI Endorsed Trans Context Aware Syst App [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];9. Available from: