Teaching Basic Ideas in Logic Using E-learning Tools





Syllogistics, argumentation, learning analytics, logical proofs, deduction, gamified quizzing, logic teaching


This paper is a study of various e-learning strategies for teaching basic ideas in logic. The focus is mainly on syllogistic validity and deduction. It is a continuation of earlier studies involving practical experiments with students of Communication using the Syllog system, which makes it possible to develop e-learning tools and to do learning analytics based on log-data. The aim of the present paper is to investigate whether the Syllog e-learning tools can be helpful in logic teaching in order to obtain a better understanding of logic and argumentation in general and syllogisms in particular. Four versions of a course in basic logic involving different teaching methods will be compared. Both short- and longterm effects are discussed.




How to Cite

P. Ohrstrom, U. Sandborg-Petersen, S. Thorvaldsen, and T. Ploug, “ Teaching Basic Ideas in Logic Using E-learning Tools”, EAI Endorsed Trans e-Learn, vol. 4, no. 13, p. e3, Jun. 2017.