The Twenty First Century E- Learning Education Management & Implication for Media Technology Adoption in the Period of Pandemic
Multimedia, Data Mining, E-Learning Education, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, ICT, Artificial Intelligence Robots, Information, Sustainable DevelopmentAbstract
INTRODUCTION: The relevance of multimedia electronic learning(e-learning) education in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in the developing nations are justifiable on the pedagogical connections between the twenty first century digital automation and education itself. Multimedia is a creative combination of computer hardware , software and lifeware that allows for integration of video, animation, audio, graphical information and text resources in an interactive engagement , in which information are accessed interactively with any information processing devices.
OBJECTIVES: To enable personalizable and autonomous learning accomplishments when multimedia educational tools are merged , which allows for diversity in curriculum presentation.
METHODS: The current research investigated 400 postgraduate students of faculty of computer science and information technology who adopted the multimedia e-learning education approach to ensure that the expected date of graduation was not extended during the recent institution lock .
RESULTS :The research observed that out of six multimedia e-learning education tools used, e-mail functionalities, chat apps, audio/video computing application and discussion forum were mostly used to provide meaningful interactive engagement while blogs and webcast were less utilized.
CONCLUSION: The research proposed an enhanced level electronic participation, electronic readiness and e-learning education framework that matched the standards for the smartest educational reform that will enable regular and consistent educational accomplishment without disruptions of academic workflow in the global educational business ,notwithstanding the severity of any future pandemic similar to ongoing COVID-19.
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