Analyzing the Effects of Eco-Spirituality on Organizational Commitment and Employee Engagement Among Female Academics in Higher Education
Employee Engagement, Eco-Spirituality, Organizational Commitment, Higher Educational Institutions, Female AcademiciansAbstract
This study investigated the connections between eco-spirituality, organizational commitment, and employee engagement by female academics within higher education institutions. The results of this study indicate that eco-spirituality has an effect on organizational commitment, and organizational commitment has an effect on employee engagement. Both of these relationships were found to be significant. In addition, this research's findings indicate a direct and indirect relationship between employee engagement and eco-spirituality. Even though this relationship has never been investigated in any of the previous studies, the findings of this research show that there is such a relationship. An employee engagement study, an organizational commitment study, and an employee spirituality study were all conducted using regression analysis. We also considered the correlation between the two data sets when analyzing the connection between the dependent and the independent variables. An examination of the construct item's dependability was carried out.
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