An Assessment of Factors Influencing University Students' Intentions to Purchase Luxury Skincare Products
Vanity, Brand Equity, Perceived Quality, Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, Purchase Intention, NCR RegionAbstract
This study explores the consumer behavior of university students in the Delhi-NCR region toward purchasing luxury skin care products, focusing on the impact of vanity, brand equity, brand loyalty, brand awareness, and perceived quality on their purchase intention. The rapid growth of the luxury skincare market in India, coupled with the increased spending power and influence of the younger generation, makes it vital to understand the factors driving their purchasing decisions. A quantitative research methodology was employed, using a structured questionnaire to collect data from 200 university students in the Delhi-NCR region. SEM and multiple regression analysis examined the relationships between vanity, brand equity, brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and purchase intention. The findings of this study reveal that all independent variables significantly influence the purchase intention of luxury skincare products among university students in the Delhi-NCR region. Vanity emerged as the most influential factor, followed by brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand equity, and brand awareness. This suggests that in addition to the functional benefits of luxury skin care products, social and emotional aspects play a critical role in shaping the purchase intentions of university students. This research has practical implications for marketers and luxury skincare brands targeting youth, particularly in product development, branding, and promotional strategies. By understanding the role of each factor in driving purchase intention, brands can tailor their marketing efforts to enhance brand equity, raise awareness, foster loyalty, build strong brands, and communicate the high quality of their products, ultimately increasing their market share in the competitive luxury skincare market.
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