A Comparison of SES and SMA Method Against Production Level Property of Fabrication Precision Engineering and Its Effect on Production Planning (Case Study PT X)
Forecasting, SES, SMA, AluminumAbstract
One of the goals of forecasting is to be able to predict the data needed in the future, one of which is the data on demand for the amount of production in a company. PT X is a manufacturing company based on demand or custom. This leads to uncertainty in the use of required materials, so proper forecasting is needed to estimate the material stock requirements. This study used single exponential smoothing and single moving average methods with quantitative approaches to aluminum materials. By calculating forecasting using these two methods, it is possible to find the best method for use by PT X. Based on the test, the SES method has the smallest error rate so it can be used to analyze the data, with α=0.8 yielding a forecast in the 13th month of 308.71408 pcs.
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