Discrete Wavelet Analysis: A Mighty Approach for Image Segmentation
Discrete Wavelet Analysis, image segmentation, image processing, Fourier TransformAbstract
This paper explores the application of Discrete Wavelet Analysis, a mathematical and signal processing technique, in the context of image segmentation, which provide a pixel-level or region-level decomposition of the image, enabling the extraction of relevant information for subsequent analysis and interpretation. Introducing the basic image segmentation techniques and the DWA, this paper discovers that DWA has found widespread application in fields such as signal processing, image analysis, and data compression. Compared with Fourier Transform, DWA is more suitable for image segmentation, having unique advantages and characteristics. Among the procedures of image segmentation, the most important point is feature selection, which determine the criteria for distinguishing different regions within the image. Despite DWA has many advantages, this technology also owns many challenges and limitations, which may be solved by lasting academic research to refine and extend Discrete Wavelet Analysis methodologies for image segmentation. In short, this research highlights the promise of Discrete Wavelet Analysis, emphasizing the use of high- quality image processing.
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