EEG Emotion Recognition Based on Self-Distillation Convolutional Graph Attention Network
A convolution graph attention model based on self-distillation convolutional graph attention network (SDC-GAT) is proposed for multi-channel EEG emotion recognition. Firstly, two-dimensional feature matrix based on EEG time-domain features are constructed, and the matrix is fed into the graph attention neural network to learn the internal connections between electrical brain channels located in different brain regions. Meanwhile, the three-dimensional feature matrix is constructed according to the relative positions of the electrode channels, and the self-distillation network is employed to extract local high-level abstract features containing electrode spatial position information from the three-dimensional feature matrix. Finally, outputs of the two networks are integrated to determine the emotional states. Experiments were performed on the DEAP dataset. The experimental results show that the spatial domain information of the electrode channel and the internal connection relationship between different channels are beneficial for emotion recognition. In addition, the proposed model can effectively fuse these information to improve the performance of multi-channel EEG emotion recognition.
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