Gesture Recognition Based on Deep Learning: A Review
Gesture recognition, Deep learning, CNNs, LSTMAbstract
Gesture recognition is an important and inevitable technology in modern times, its appearance and improvement greatly improve the convenience of people's lives, but also enrich people's lives. It has a wide range of applications in various fields. In daily life, it can carry out human-computer interaction and the use of smart home. In terms of medical treatment, it can help patients to recover and assist doctors to carry out experiments. In terms of entertainment, it allows users to interact with the game in an immersive manner. This paper chooses three technologies that deep learning plays a more prominent role in gesture recognition, namely CNNs, LSTM and transfer learning based on deep learning. They each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Because of the different principles of use, different techniques have different roles, such as CNNs can carry out feature extraction, LSTM can deal with long time series, transfer learning can transfer what is learned from another task to this task. Select different practical technologies according to different application scenarios, and make improvements in real time in practical applications. Gesture recognition based on deep learning has the advantages of good accuracy, robustness and real-time implementation, but it also bears the disadvantages of huge economic and time costs and high hardware requirements. Despite some challenges, researchers continue to optimize and improve the technology, and believe that in the future, gesture recognition technology will be more mature and valuable.
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Funding data
State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves
Grant numbers K202218