A Systemic Security and Privacy Review: Attacks and Prevention Mechanisms over IOT Layers
Internet of Things, Security and Privacy, IoT layers, attacks with solution mechanismsAbstract
In this contemporary era internet of things are used in every realm of life. Recent software’s (e.g., vehicle networking, smart grid, and wearable) are established in result of its use: furthermore, as development, consolidation, and revolution of varied ancient areas (e.g., medical and automotive). The number of devices connected in conjunction with the ad-hoc nature of the system any exacerbates the case. Therefore, security and privacy has emerged as a big challenge for the IoT. This paper provides an outline of IoT security attacks on Three-Layer Architecture: Three-layer such as application layer, network layer, perception layer/physical layer and attacks that are associated with these layers will be discussed. Moreover, this paper will provide some possible solution mechanisms for such attacks. The aim is to produce a radical survey associated with the privacy and security challenges of the IoT. This paper addresses these challenges from the attitude of technologies and design used. The objective of this paper is to rendering possible solution for various attacks on different layers of IoT architecture. It also presents comparison based on reviewing multiple solutions and defines the best one solution for a specific attack on particular layer.
Muhammad Shoaib Akhtar, Tao Feng, "Deep Learning-Based Framework for the Detection of Cyberattack Using Feature Engineering", Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2021, Article ID 6129210, 12 pages, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6129210
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