Enhancing Audio Accessory Selection through Multi-Criteria Decision Making using Fuzzy Logic and Machine Learning
ML Models, Mamdani approach, FLC, MCDM, audio accessoriesAbstract
This research paper aims to investigate the significance of electrical products, specifically earbuds and headphones, in the digital world. The processes of decision-making and purchasing of audio accessories are often characterized by a significant investment of time and effort, as well as a complex interplay of competing priorities. In addition, various methodologies are employed for the selection and procurement of audio equipment through the utilization of machine learning algorithms. This study aimed to gather responses from a diverse group of participants regarding their preferences for the latest functionalities and essential components in their gadgets. The data was collected through a questionnaire that provided multiple options about the specifications of the audio accessories for the participants to choose from. The study employed seven distinct input factors to elicit responses from participants. These factors included brand, type, design, fit, price, noise cancellation, and folding design. The quantification of each input parameter was executed through the utilization of a scaling function in the Fuzzy Logic Interface, which assigned the labels “Yes” or “No” to each parameter. In this study, the Mamdani approach, which is a widely used fuzzy reasoning tool, was employed to develop a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) consisting of seven input and one output processes. In this study, standard fuzzy algorithms were employed to enhance the accuracy of the process of selecting an audio accessory in accordance with the user's specific requirements on the basis of Fuzzy threshold where “Yes” signifies about the availability of such audio accessory and “No” refers to the non-availability and readjustment of the input parameters.
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