About the Journal
Aims and Scope
EAI Endorsed Transactions on AI and Robotics (eISSN: 2790-7511) covers all aspects of robotics and knowledge-based AI systems along with interdisciplinary approaches to computer science, control systems, computer vision, machine learning, electrical engineering, intelligent machines, mathematics, and other disciplines. An important goal of this journal is to extend cutting-edge technologies in the control and learning of both symbolic and sensory robots with regard to smart systems. Our journal contains articles on the theoretical, mathematical, computational, and experimental aspects of robotics and intelligent systems.
The scope of the journal encompasses a wide range of topics in robotics which includes:
- Robot planning and control
- System kinematics, statics, and dynamics
- Human-robot and robot-robot interaction
- Robotics in smart homes and smart manufacturing
- Robotics applications in healthcare and aged care
- Socially assistive robotics and service robots
- Humanoid robots and legged robots
- Aerial and field robotics
- Autonomous systems and cognitive robots
- Computer vision for automation
- Bioinspired robot learning
- Industrial robots
- System modeling and analysis
- Agricultural automation
- Intelligent algorithms and computational modeling
- Cognitive management and decision making
List of topics/keywords:
- Robotics
- Kinematics and dynamics
- Human-robot interaction
- Multi-robotics
- Assistive robots
- Field robotics
- Surgical robots
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning
- Autonomous and intelligent systems
- Smart manufacturing
- Bioinspired systems
- Manipulation
- Mobile robotics
Article Processing Charge (APC)
Starting January 1, 2025, authors of all articles will be required to pay an APC of $250. The APC was established to cover editorial production expenses.
All articles in the journal are of Open Access (OA).
This is a continuous publication journal.
Copyright notice
Authors retain copyright over their materials and are free to copy, redistribute, remix, transform, and build upon the material since all the papers are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.
All the articles published by EAI are archived using Portico's e-journal preservation service, together with CLOCKSS and LOCKSS. This ensures that all articles published are preserved and available for future researchers and students.
Privacy statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.