Hybrid Image Denoising Using Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Learning, Hybrid Approach, Image Denoising, Wavelet TransformAbstract
In this paper, we propose a hybrid image denoising method that combines wavelet transform and deep learning techniques to effectively remove noise from digital images. The wavelet transform is applied to each color channel of the noisy image, decomposing it into different frequency components. The approximation coefficients are then denoised using a convolutional neural network (CNN), specifically designed for this task. The denoised coefficients are subsequently reconstructed to form the final denoised image. Our experimental results demonstrate that this hybrid approach outperforms traditional denoising methods, achieving superior noise reduction while preserving image details. The proposed method is validated using synthetic noisy images, and the results are visually and quantitatively evaluated to confirm its effectiveness.
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