Study of Robot Manipulator Control via Remote Method
Robotics, Intelligent System, Motion Control, Complex SystemAbstract
INTRODUCTION: The study introduces a novel approach to the design and management of industrial robots using virtual reality technology, enabling humans to observe a wide range of robot behaviors across various environments.
OBJECTIVES: Through a simulation program, the robot's movements can be reviewed, and a program for real-world task execution can be generated. Furthermore, the research delves into the algorithm governing the interaction between the industrial robot and humans.
METHODS: The robot utilized in this research project has been meticulously refurbished and enhanced from the previously old version robotic manipulator, which lacked an electrical cabinet derived.
RESULTS: Following the mechanical and electrical upgrades, a virtual setup, incorporating a headset and two hand controllers, has been integrated into the robot's control system, enabling control via this device.
CONCLUSION: This control algorithm leverages a shared control approach and artificial potential field methods to facilitate obstacle avoidance through repulsive and attractive forces. Ultimately, the study presents experimental results using the real robot model.
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