Manipulation of the Multi-Vehicle System for the Industrial Applications




Robotics, Intelligent System, Motion Control, Complex System


This approach should indicate some challenges in routing and scheduling for the multi-vehicle system. The proposed method delivers a novel method to generate the free-collision trajectory as well as optimal route from starting point to destination. The estimated time at one node and the classification of load level support vehicle to decide which proper route is and stable movement is reached. From these results, it could be observed that the proposed approach is feasible and effective for many applications. The proposed method for routing and scheduling might be useful in the multi-vehicle system. In the large scale system, some intelligent schemes should be considered to integrate.


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How to Cite

Vincent L. Manipulation of the Multi-Vehicle System for the Industrial Applications. EAI Endorsed Trans Context Aware Syst App [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];9. Available from: