Time-Series Prediction of Cryptocurrency Market using Machine Learning Techniques


  • Mahir Iqbal Islamia University of Bahawalpur image/svg+xml
  • Muhammad Shuaib Iqbal National University of Science and Technology, Rawalpindi
  • Fawwad Hassan Jaskani Islamia University of Bahawalpur image/svg+xml
  • Khurum Iqbal National University of Science and Technology, Rawalpindi
  • Ali Hassan National University of Science and Technology, Rawalpindi




data mining, visualization, machine learning, Emerging Nature Inspired Computing


In the market of cryptocurrency the Bitcoins are the first currency which has gain the significant importance. To predict the market price and stability of Bitcoin in Crypto-market, a machine learning based time series analysis has been applied. Time-series analysis can predict the future ups and downs in the price of Bitcoin. For this purpose we have used ARIMA, FBProphet, XG Boosting for time series analysis as a machine learning techniques. The parameters on the basis of which we have evaluated these models are Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and R2. We conduct experiments on these three techniques but after conducting time series analysis, ARIMA considered as the best model for forecasting Bitcoin price in the crypto-market with RMSE score of 322.4 and MAE score of 227.3. Additionally, this research can be helpful for investors of crypto-market.




How to Cite

Iqbal M, Shuaib Iqbal M, Hassan Jaskani F, Iqbal K, Hassan A. Time-Series Prediction of Cryptocurrency Market using Machine Learning Techniques. EAI Endorsed Trans Creat Tech [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];8(28):e4. Available from: https://publications.eai.eu/index.php/ct/article/view/1419