A Mathematical Model of Game Refinement and Its Applications to Sports Games





game refinement theory, engagement assessment, sports games, board games, video games


This paper explores a mathematical model of game progress. We claim that a realistic model of the game progress during the in-game period is not linear but exponential. The second derivative value, i.e., acceleration in the sense of dynamics, is derived from the model and we propose to use the value as a measure of game refinement. T his i s b ecause a cceleration o f g ame p rogress s hould b e r elated t o t he e motional impact i n our minds, as thrill or engagement in games. We also evaluate well known games using our theory like sport games, that would further be classified by the rule to finish the game. It is expected that the game refinement theory will be widely used as a tool to assess the quality of various types of games as a new game theory.




How to Cite

Pratama Sutiono A, Ramadan R, Jarukasetporn P, Takeuchi J, Purwarianti A, Iida H. A Mathematical Model of Game Refinement and Its Applications to Sports Games. EAI Endorsed Trans Creat Tech [Internet]. 2015 Oct. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];2(5):e1. Available from: https://publications.eai.eu/index.php/ct/article/view/1566

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