Advancing Performability in Playable Media: A Simulation-based Interface as a Dynamic Score




playability, playable media, performability, simulation-based interface, dynamic score, sound mechanics, prolonged engagement model, creative exploration, creative entertainment, interactive performance


When designing playable media with non-game orientation, alternative play scenarios to gameplay scenarios must be accompanied by alternative mechanics to game mechanics. Problems of designing playable media with non-game orientation are stated as the problems of designing a platform for creative explorations and creative expressions. For such design problems, two requirements are articulated: 1) play state transitions must be dynamic in non-trivial ways in order to achieve a significant level of engagement, and 2) pathways for players’ experience from exploration to expression must be provided. The transformative pathway from creative exploration to creative expression is analogous to pathways for game players’ skill acquisition in gameplay. The paper first describes a concept of simulation-based interface, and then binds that concept with the concept of dynamic score. The former partially accounts for the first requirement, the latter the second requirement. The paper describes the prototype and realization of the two concepts’ binding. “Score” is here defined as a representation of cue organization through a transmodal abstraction. A simulation based interface is presented with swarm mechanics and its function as a dynamic score is demonstrated with an interactive musical composition and performance.




How to Cite

Choi I. Advancing Performability in Playable Media: A Simulation-based Interface as a Dynamic Score. EAI Endorsed Trans Creat Tech [Internet]. 2014 Oct. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];1(1):e5. Available from: