Techniques For Reducing Energy And Delay For Data Aggregation In Wireless Sensor Networks




WSN, QOS, Data Aggregation


WSN have many applications in different fields like medical, military, health and agriculture, etc., due to its data sensing and gathering abilities to Base station. The main issue in wireless sensor network is energy efficiency under consideration of QOS parameter like delay and security. Many of techniques have been proposed in literature but few work on energy efficient network with QOS. Due to lack of prior research in this area of study, this research will optimize the existing result in manner of giving efficient energy mechanisms and will also provide QOS as well as reduction of delay. It is very important to calculate energy efficiency and data transmission rate in wireless sensor networks because it is widely used in every field of life, especially when we are talking about medical, military and navigation system. After identifying main issues, this research will focus on energy efficiency and delay reduction. But other factors like security and average transmission time is not fully focused.


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How to Cite

Akhtar MS, Feng T. Techniques For Reducing Energy And Delay For Data Aggregation In Wireless Sensor Networks . EAI Endorsed Trans Creat Tech [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 11 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];9(3):e4. Available from: