Designing game for helping people learning Taiwanese culture




Cultural heritage, serious game, cultural game, Taiwanese culture


Taiwanese culture holds immense value, with its rich heritage and history being recognized worldwide. While efforts have been made to preserve tangible cultural heritage, intangible aspects such as knowledge and beliefs have often been overlooked. To address this gap and contribute to the preservation of Taiwanese cultural heritage, technology has been harnessed, with games emerging as a popular medium.

This study explores the advantages of using games to promote understanding and appreciation of Taiwanese culture. Through a literature review and examination of existing serious games related to Taiwanese culture, a research game was developed. Expert interviews were then conducted with professionals from the game industry and cultural creativity sector, providing diverse perspectives and invaluable insights.

The feedback obtained from these expert interviews demonstrates a positive reception towards the concept of using games as a tool for cultural education. Furthermore, the suggestions and recommendations provided by the experts have significantly contributed to the enhancement and refinement of the prototype game. As a result, valuable guidelines have been derived, serving as a roadmap for future designers interested in creating serious games centered around Taiwanese culture.


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How to Cite

Miao CJ, Liu N, Karmokar S. Designing game for helping people learning Taiwanese culture. EAI Endorsed Trans Creat Tech [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];10. Available from: