Cloud-based Solutions for Over/Under Voltage Protection Device in Smart Cities (OVPD)




Under-Voltage, Over-Voltage, Arduino UNO, ESP8266 Node MCU, Google Sheets


In developing countries, the basic problem is power fluctuation and uneven voltage, which leads to serious damage to electronic devices and electrical equipment. Power fluctuation and uneven voltage supply are significant problems in the lead industry. Under-voltage, over-voltage, brownouts, blackouts, spikes, etc., are common problems which are faced due to fluctuation. Using our project, we have attempted to resolve the problems of under-voltage and over-voltage. In our project, we will be using Arduino UNO as a control board, which will be used to calculate the input voltage and determine whether it is over-voltage, normal-voltage, or under-voltage. Depending on the input voltage, the relay will get on or off according to the command. Arduino UNO, on the other hand, sends data to the ESP8266 Node MCU. As soon as the ESP8266 Node MCU connects to the wifi network, the data will be sent to a Google sheets (with the help of API call). After the data is stored in google sheets, it will be processed, and then a graph will be created that will indicate when over-voltage and under-voltage occurred.


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How to Cite

Waghmare M, Mehta N, Bhalala H, Shah A. Cloud-based Solutions for Over/Under Voltage Protection Device in Smart Cities (OVPD). EAI Endorsed Trans Creat Tech [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];10. Available from: