A quaternion-based Attitude Estimate System Based on a Low Power Consumption Inertial Measurement Unit


  • yunkun ning Chinese Academy of Sciences image/svg+xml
  • liangju li Wuhan Research Institute of Post and Telecommunications
  • guoru zhao Chinese Academy of Sciences image/svg+xml
  • Yingnan Ma Beijing Urban Systems Engineering Research Center image/svg+xml
  • Xing Gao Beijing Urban Systems Engineering Research Center image/svg+xml
  • Zongzhen Jin Beijing Urban Systems Engineering Research Center image/svg+xml




attitude estimate, kalman filter, digital motion processor, mpu9150, quaternion-based


Accurate and real-time tracking of the orientation or attitude of rigid bodies has traditional applications in robotics, aerospace, underwater vehicles, human body motion capture, etc. Towards human body motion capture, especially wearable devices, the use of a longer time has always been a challenge for several weeks or several months continuously, so a low-cost chip and a low computational cost algorithm are necessary .The paper presented a quaternion-based algorithm that integrated the sensor output with the Kalman filtering algorithm, and a low power consumption Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) for the attitude estimation. The low power consumption IMU with an inner Digital Motion Processor(DMP) from InvenSense Inc. called MPU9150, which contains triaxial accelerometers, triaxial gyroscopes, triaxial magnetometers and inner DMP. Firstly, we got attitude quaternion from DMP, and used the factored quaternion algorithm (FQA) to calculate course angle quaternion component. Then the Kalman Filtering algorithm was used to mix them together to acquire the accurate and good real-time performance attitude .The experimental results showed that Kalman filtering algorithm to mix DMP output and magnetometers data have better performance than gradient descent algorithm and complementary filter algorithm even in static performance and dynamic performance and power consumption.


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How to Cite

ning yunkun, li liangju, zhao guoru, Ma Y, Gao X, Jin Z. A quaternion-based Attitude Estimate System Based on a Low Power Consumption Inertial Measurement Unit. EAI Endorsed Trans Energy Web [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];3(9):e5. Available from: https://publications.eai.eu/index.php/ew/article/view/1051

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