Demand Response an Alternative Solution to Prevent Load Shedding Triggering




Demand response, under frequency load shedding, rate of change of frequency, energy shedding, radial distribution system


This paper investigates an alternative solution to prevent Load Shedding (LS) triggering during underfrequency and proposes a new technique to restore the frequency during emergency events. Demand response (DR) is considered as one of the most promising Smart Grid concepts that can be used to support the peak demand, whereas, LS is an existing last resort method during emergency grid situations. Both schemes aim to balance the load and generation in real-time and restore the frequency very quickly. This paper incorporates integrating Incentive based Demand Response (IDR) with spinning reserve for smaller underfrequency events to manage the system peak demand. It also introduces a new frequency band for an Emergency Demand Response (EDR) as an alternative inexpensive solution that can replace costly spinning reserves and help to prevent LS. An energy index factor is used to identify the consumption pattern of consumers to enable them to participate in IDR. An illustrative example of the performance of the proposed scheme on a modified 15 bus test system is shown. Simulation results on different scenarios confirm that the proposed method is effective to improve the frequency restoration process along with enabling participation of new services.


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How to Cite

Mollah K, Nair N, Rayudu R. Demand Response an Alternative Solution to Prevent Load Shedding Triggering. EAI Endorsed Trans Energy Web [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];1(3):e2. Available from: