Performance Optimization of Solar PV System Utilized for Cooling System
Solar PV system, cooling, Samawah, economic feasibility, GHG emissionsAbstract
This work investigates the performance and energy effectiveness of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system used to provide a cooling system for a building in Iraq. To achieve the goal, simulations and optimization are utilized to find the economic feasibility of the building in Iraq. In addition, a comparative study is conducted to compare the economic feasibility of PV cooling based on two options. The first option depends on the conventional electrical grid to offer cooling for the Iraqi building. The second option relies on a solar PV system to provide the electrical power for cooling the same building. The major numerical analysis results revealed that using a PV system can save roughly 45% electrical power compared to the option when the electrical power is drawn from the conventional grid. For this reason, it is predicted that the PV system can save a higher level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to the first option. The results of this research revealed that the cooling load of the building in Samawah, Iraq equalled 600 kW. The PV system required to operate the cooling of the Samawah building during summer equals 18 kW peak. Using a solar PV system would be more economically feasible than the electrical power drawn from the electrical grid. Utilizing PV cooling is considered beneficial for the environment
as it can save GHG emissions that cause significant air quality problems and global warming.
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