Sensors and Simulations for Transport Resilience




Resilience, Sensors, Simulations, Transport, Safe City


With the aim of enhancing resilience, the need for method of its measurement arises. To apply the method, resilience indicators must be identified and collected. In this paper we deal with questions of acquisition of indicators, needed to assess resilience of the transport system of the city. More specifically, we will look at the sensors and simulation and their possibilities in this task. That is why the first part of the paper will start with introduction of the Laboratory of Simulation and Modelling of Crisis Phenomena in Transport, and of the simulation program VR®Forces, that we plan to use for application of this paper´s outcomes and for further research of resilience. In second part of this article, we will briefly guide the reader through our view on resilience with focus on transport system of the city. Next, we will move to identification of transport resilience indicators, that could be obtained by the use of sensors within the traffic network and its vehicles or devices, and also indicators, that we can obtain by the use of simulation. Identification of sensors, usable for this task will follow. Finally, the possible use of modelling and simulation in collection of resilience indicators will be explained.


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How to Cite

Lacinák M, Ristvej J, Jánošíková M. Sensors and Simulations for Transport Resilience. EAI Endorsed Trans Energy Web [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];9(40):e1. Available from:

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