Perception on Investing in Stocks With ESG Relevance: A Descriptive View on Influence of Key Demographic Variables and Risk Profiling of Investors


  • R Satish St. Joseph's Institute of Technology image/svg+xml
  • S Saravanan B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology image/svg+xml
  • N. V. Ramachandran Department of Management Studies, SRM Arts and Science College, Chennai



Environment, Social, Governance, Sustainability, Impact investing


INTRODUCTION: To be purposeful beyond the return consideration by the way of giving importance to environment, society and governance of company through investing in companies that give priority to aforementioned factors by investors and their perception towards ESG is the crux of this research paper. For this several factors that measures the environment, social and governance are itemized and considered as the dependent variable.

OBJECTIVES: To know whether the influences of the three risk-acceptance levels on environment, social and governance factors were different based on selected demographic variables

METHODS: Some of the key demographic variables like Age range, Annual income and Employment status are taken as independent variables with another key variable the tolerance towards risk of the investors.  The individual and interactive effect of the demographic variable along with the key variable (risk tolerance) in manipulating the effects over the dependent variables (ESG) in the key concept of discussion in this research. The research was conducted through a structured questionnaire among the investors in Chennai region of Tamilnadu (India). Data was analyzed through SPSS and the tool used to explain the purpose of the research was MANOVA.

RESULTS: All the three demographic variables considered in the research had a significant influence over the risk tolerance of the investors in manipulating the considerations over the ESG factors.

CONCLUSION: All the three demographic variables considered in the research had a significant influence over the risk tolerance of the investors in manipulating the considerations over the ESG factors.


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How to Cite

Satish R, Saravanan S, Ramachandran NV. Perception on Investing in Stocks With ESG Relevance: A Descriptive View on Influence of Key Demographic Variables and Risk Profiling of Investors. EAI Endorsed Trans Energy Web [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];10. Available from: