Design and analysis of battery management system in electric vehicle
Electric vehicle, Battery Management System, one RC network, Two RC networks, Battery monitoringAbstract
The usage of electric vehicles is gaining momentum in recent time’s thus providing support to the growth in sales of electric vehicles. The Battery management system is the most important aspect to ensure the smooth functioning of an electric vehicle. This research highlights some key statements on the background of electric vehicles. The increase in the overall growing importance of electric vehicles has also been explained in this work. Battery management system has an importance in the functioning of electric vehicles, thus presenting the key highlights of this article. The finding presents the importance of batteries and their type used in EVs. The simulation results of the Lithium battery cell – 1 RC, 2 RC equivalent circuit parameters such as charging current, terminal voltage, state of charge, and battery current have been simulated and analysed in Matlab. The future scope of BMS and its development has been discussed.
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