Optimization design of heliostat field based on high-dimensional particle swarm and multiple population genetic algorithms





Single-objective optimization, high-dimensional particle swarm algorithm, multiple group genetic algorithm, ray tracing


INTRODUCTION: Tower-type heliostat field is a new type of energy conversion, which has the advantages of high energy efficiency, flexibility and sustainability and environmental friendliness.

OBJECTIVES: Through the research and improvement of the tower heliostat field to promote the development of solar energy utilization technology.

METHODS: In this paper, we calculate and optimize the tower heliostat field by using single objective optimization, high-dimensional particle swarm algorithm and multiple group genetic algorithm.

RESULTS: In this case of question setting, average annual optical efficiency is 0.6696; average annual cosine efficiency is 0.7564; annual average shadow occlusion efficiency is 0.9766; average annual truncation efficiency is 0.9975; average annual output thermal power is 35539.1747W; mean annual output thermal power per unit area is 0.5657W.The optimal solution after the initial optimization of the algorithm is that the total number of mirror fields is 6,384 pieces, and the average annual output power per unit area is 530.6W.

CONCLUSION: The model of this paper can reasonably solve the problem and has strong practicability and high efficiency, but high dimensional particle swarm algorithm due to easily get local optimal solution, so can introduce the chaotic mapping to increase the randomness of the search space, improve the global search ability of the algorithm.


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How to Cite

Huang Y. Optimization design of heliostat field based on high-dimensional particle swarm and multiple population genetic algorithms. EAI Endorsed Trans Energy Web [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11. Available from: https://publications.eai.eu/index.php/ew/article/view/5653