ACRCP -Protocol for Delay Tolerant Networks for Effective Green Computing Environment


  • V. Preetha Sri S. Ramaswamy Naidu Memorial College
  • K. Balasubramanian Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education image/svg+xml



Delay Tolerant Network, Green computing, Routing Protocol


There is no universally accepted definition of a green building. Generally, it refers to an ideal living environment created with respect for ecological principles and environmental considerations, combined with the principle of ecological design. Green buildings not only improve living conditions and energy efficiency but also contribute to urban air quality, enhance landscapes, and positively impact the physiological and psychological well-being of individuals. To achieve the goals of green building, it is imperative to have convenient and accurate selection of plant materials, create a sustainable green system, and establish a comprehensive green building plant resource information system.


Over the past few decades, numerous quantitative studies on the ecological functions of green plants have been conducted worldwide. Various test methods have been employed under different green conditions to quantify these functions and obtain numerous quantitative values. Concepts such as green area, green coverage, leaf area index, leaf area, green rate, vertical green coverage area, and overall green quantity have been introduced. Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) engineering faces challenges in ensuring end-to-end availability in cloud computing. Consequently, transporting data over such networks is challenging since most Internet applications rely on persistent end-to-end connections. Since the standardization of the DTN architecture, significant research has been dedicated to developing routing protocols for various mobility scenarios, aiming to improve segment delay, delivery, and data delivery ratios.


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How to Cite

Preetha V, Balasubramanian K. ACRCP -Protocol for Delay Tolerant Networks for Effective Green Computing Environment. EAI Endorsed Trans Energy Web [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 28 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];11. Available from: