Smart Technology Based Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) Approach for Autonomous Transmission Line Fault Detection Protection


  • Nasser Ali Hasson Al-Zubaydi Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University image/svg+xml



Smart House, Malfunction, Transmission Line, DWT, EMD, Autonomous System


Many novel technologies of property energy and cell, solar power, batteries, and high-efficient combustion are widely investigated to conserve energy and reduce emissions. Transmission lines (TLs) play a serious role in transmitting generated electricity to different distribution units in facility engineering. The transmission lines function as a link between shoppers and a Power Station. Faults usually occur within the transmission when positioned in an open field. Quick identification and sick line faults square measures required for the conventional operation of the plant. A way like distinct moving ridge rework (DWT) and (EMD) is used to locate and identify faults to resolve this disruption. DWT is used to break down fault transients, as a result of which the info can be collected at the same time in each time and frequency domain. EMD decomposes the TLs voltage into Intrinsic Mode operation (IMFs). Four varieties of fault signals are square measurements produced by the grid-connected facility. Line faults square measure induced MATLAB/Simulink mistreatment.


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How to Cite

Al-Zubaydi NAH. Smart Technology Based Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) Approach for Autonomous Transmission Line Fault Detection Protection. EAI Endorsed Trans Energy Web [Internet]. 2022 May 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];9(38):e7. Available from: