Phase Impairment Estimation for mmWave MIMO Systems with Low Resolutions ADC and Imperfect CSI
Hybrid analog and digital beamforming,, Non-ideal hardware, Phase noise estimation, Millimeter wave MIMO, Imperfect CSI, Quantization noiseAbstract
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output systems operating at millimeter wave band (mmWave MIMO) are a promising technology next generations of mobile networks. In practice, the non-ideal hardware is a challenge for commercially viable mmWave MIMO transceivers and come from non-linearities of the amplifier, phase noise, quantization errors, mutual coupling between antenna ports, and In-phase/Quadrature (I/Q) imbalance. As a result, the received signals are affected by non-ideal transceiver hardware components, thus reduce the performance of such systems, especially phase impairment caused by phase noise and carrier frequency offset (CFO). In this paper, we consider a mmWave MIMO system model that takes into account many practical hardware impairments and imperfect channel state information (CSI). Our main contributions are a problem formulation of phase impairments with imperfect CSI and a low-complexity estimation method to solve the problem. Numerical results are provided to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm.
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