E-appointments at primary care physicians during Covid-19 pandemic: viewpoint and satisfaction of medical consumers
e-appointments, eHealth systems, primary health care, walk-in method, Covid-19 pandemic, medical consumer satisfactionAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Use of e-appointment systems in primary care (EASPC) is a common practice in western countries, however, there is no evidence of implementation in R. N. Macedonia and other similar countries in development.
OBJECTIVES: This study explores the viewpoints and satisfaction of medical consumers (MC) on EASPC, and the impact of Covid-19 global pandemic concerning their appointments at primary care physicians.
METHODS: A survey on MC above the age of 15 years was conducted in July 2020. The results were analysed in SPSS 23.
RESULTS: The majority of participants were in favour on implementing an EASPC despite their neutral satisfaction with the walk-in method. Furthermore, they were confident in its effectiveness in the fight against spreading of Covid-19.
CONCLUSION: The MC opinion and satisfaction is crucial when developing health care systems and their implementation as a mix of services. For the system to succeed, it must be financed and supported adequately and as such, further research is necessary to explore a real-time EASPC usage.
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