COMPASS: an Interoperable Personal Health System to Monitor and Compress Signals in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


  • Thomas Hofer University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
  • Michael Schumacher University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
  • Stefano Bromuri University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland



copd, compression, interoperability, soa, mobile


In the past years the progress on the mobile market has made possible an advancement in terms of telemedicine systems and definition of systems for monitoring chronic illnesses. The distribution of mobile devices in developed countries is increasing. Many of these devices are equipped with wireless standards including Bluetooth and the amount of sold Smartphones is constantly increasing. Our approach is oriented towards this market, using existing devices to enable in-home patient monitoring and even further to ubiquitious monitoring. The idea is to increase the quality of care, reduce costs and gather medical grade data, especially vital signs, with a resolution of minutes or even less, which is nowadays only possible in an ICU (Intensive Care Units). In this paper we will present the COMPASS personal health system (PHS) platform, and how this platform enables Android devices to collect, analyze and send sensor data to an observation storage by means of interoperability standards. Furthermore, we will also present how this data can be compressed using advanced compressed sensing techniques and how to optimize these techniques with genetic algorithms to improve the RMSE of the reconstructed signal after compression. We also produce a preliminary evaluation of the algorithm against the state of the art algorithms for compressed sensing.


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How to Cite

Hofer T, Schumacher M, Bromuri S. COMPASS: an Interoperable Personal Health System to Monitor and Compress Signals in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. EAI Endorsed Trans Perv Health Tech [Internet]. 2015 Aug. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];1(4):e2. Available from:

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