Prediction of Emergency Mobility Under Diverse IoT Availability




Emergency Traffic, IoT Time Series, Data Quantity, Data Quality, Machine Learning Prediction


INTRODUCTION: Prediction of emergency mobility needs to consider more scenarios as Internet of Things (IoT) develops at a high speed, which influences the quality and quantity of data, manageable resources and algorithms.

OBJECTIVES: This work investigates differences in dynamic emergency mobility prediction when facing dynamic temporal IoT data with different quality and quantity considering diverse computing resources and algorithm availability.

METHODS: A node construction scheme under a small range of traffic networks is adopted in this work, which can effectively convert the road to graph network structure data which has been proved to be feasible and used for the small-scale traffic network data here. Besides, two different datasets are formed using public large scale traffic network data. Representative widely used and proven algorithms from typical types of methods are selected respectively with different datasets to conduct experiments.

RESULTS: The experimental results show that the graphed data and neural network algorithm can deal with the dynamic time series data with complex nodes and edges in a better way, while the non-neural network algorithm can predict the with a simple graph network structure.

CONCLUSION: Our proposed graph construction with graph neural network improves dynamic emergency mobility prediction. The prediction should consider the scenarios of availability of computing resources, quantity and quality of data among other IoT features to improve the results. Later, automation and data enrichment should be improved.


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How to Cite

Sun B, Geng R, Xu Y, Shen T. Prediction of Emergency Mobility Under Diverse IoT Availability. EAI Endorsed Trans Perv Health Tech [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];8(4):e2. Available from: