Impact of Covid-19 epidemic on online learning and educational resources in China
education, online learning, teaching, Covid-19, multimediaAbstract
Online education was widely launched worldwide with the increasing impact of Covid-19 and multiple online platforms were developed or improved due to their demands. Several surveys have been conducted to analyze the Covid-19 impact on education, revealing the importance of information and communication technology (ICT). This epidemic has significantly changed all education levels and dramatically increased online learning. Online learning has various benefits with few drawbacks such as resources, economic effects, time, travelling, and so on. In this paper, we describe the impact of Covid-19 on education in China, the education of international students, problems in online learning, and the supportive technologies during this epidemic. Distance learning has been studied for years, expressed that it enhances the learners with lower paybacks; therefore, it was diminished dramatically. All these concerns will help us to understand global reforms and situations. We have also described affected regions, virus types, the Covid-19 cycle, and procedures to secure our education systems. Furthermore, we have highlighted some key issues of biosafety that will support the community to understand the standard procedures for developing a safe environment. Teachers play a key role in the development of a nation, and this study also enlightened the perspectives which should be addressed in future research.
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