Electronic Medical Records Using Blockchain Technology
Blockchain, End-to-End Encryption, Distributed Ledger, Medical Records, One-time Upload, Easily AccessibleAbstract
Blockchain technology has emerged as a crucial tool for ensuring security and reliability in various domains, particularly in healthcare. In this study, we utilize blockchain to establish an append-only chain of transaction blocks, ensuring the integrity and security of patient medical records. By employing blockchain, we aim to safeguard patient data, grant specific clinicians’ access to medical records, and ensure user privacy. The doctor will only receive prescription information after the patient has granted access, ensuring comprehensive protection for both parties. Consensus mechanisms within the blockchain guarantee consistency among blocks and require agreement from existing nodes before adding new transactions. Traditional healthcare systems often result in delays in data exchange and strict restrictions on access due to concerns about sensitive data leakage. By integrating blockchain technology into healthcare records and data, this article seeks to enhance data sharing while mitigating the risks of data tampering and security breaches.
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