Artificial Intelligence Application with Contact Tracing for Post COVID -19 Epidemic Management
Artificial Intelligence, Contact Tracing, Social Media, Post Covid 19 Epidemic ManagementAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Post COVID -19 epidemics is in a critical situation which has to be properly managed with right preventive and curative measures to protect the economy and welfare of the Human beings.
OBJECTIVES: Effective management of this terrific situation may be possible through the help of contact tracing and its application of AI mechanism. Here the authors as taken the available data for the testing of the significance of AI approach for contract tracing proper management of the post COVID epidemic situation.
METHODS: Here contact tracing data are collected analysed interpreted and validity is tested with the help of statistical tools like egression, coefficient and Annova for the testing of the available data with its further application.
R ESULTS: AI application creates more awareness, vaccination, self-testing, isolation and intake medicine
CONCLUSION: Artificial Intelligence &social media plays a vital role for the creation of social awareness and proper manage of post COVID-19 epidemics.
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