Assessment of technological stress levels in university staff: case study
Stress, Higher Education, Preventive Measures, Statistical Analysis, Technology StressAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Stress, a natural reaction of the body to challenging circumstances, can manifest itself in different ways and harm both an individual's physical and mental health. From a constant feeling of being overwhelmed to difficulties in concentration and decision-making, stress can undermine the overall quality of life. Physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive disorders and trouble falling asleep often accompany this condition, highlighting its negative impact on the body.
OBJECTIVES: The research aims to determine stress levels in teachers, workers, and university students.
METHODS: The stress test proposed by Dr. Gloria Villalobos was applied and complemented with sociodemographic variables. The population consisted of 224 teachers, 11 staff and 32 students.
RESULTS: The result found to be stress: 4.5% medium, 27.7% high, and 67.8% very high; The correlation is established employing Cramer's V between the variables and the applied test that the results do not influence the phenomenon investigated
CONCLUSION: It concludes the significant presence of medium - high - very high stress in the sample analyzed with serious consequences for health being necessary emerging measures to prevent diseases in university staff.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2023 Edmundo Cabezas-Heredia, Fernando Molina-Granja, Gregory Montenegro-Bosquez, Mónica Salazar, Juan Santillán-Lima, Santiago Ramirez, Orestes Cachay-Boza

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