Interaction between neuroscience and happiness: assessment from Artificial Intelligence advances
Neuroscience, Happiness, Artificial Intelligence, Bibliometric analysisAbstract
INTRODUCTION: In recent years, there has been a convergence between Artificial Intelligence and neuroscience, particularly in studying the brain and developing treatments for neurological disorders. Artificial neural networks and deep learning provide valuable insights into neural processing and brain functioning. Recent research tries to explain how neural processes influence an individual's happiness.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the interaction between neuroscience and happiness based on the advances in Artificial Intelligence.
METHODS: A bibliometric analysis was performed with articles from the Scopus database in 2013-2023; likewise, the VOSviewer was used for information processing.
RESULTS A total of 603 articles were obtained, and it is evident that the most significant scientific production is centered in the United States (184), United Kingdom (74), and China (73). Three clusters are generated from the Co-occurrence - Author Keywords analysis. The first cluster, red, is related to Artificial Intelligence applications for predicting happiness; the second cluster, green, is associated with Artificial Intelligence tools in neuroscience; and the third cluster, blue, is related to neuroscience in psychology.
CONCLUSION: Neuroscience research has made significant leaps in understanding mental processes such as emotions and consciousness. Neuroscience has encountered happiness and is opening up to an approach that seeks evidence to understand people's well-being supported by Artificial Intelligence.
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