Brain Tumor Detection and Classification Using Deep Learning Models on MRI Scans


  • L Chandra Sekhar Reddy CMR College of Engineering and Technology
  • Muniyandy Elangovan Saveetha School of Engineering
  • M Vamsikrishna Aditya Engineering College
  • Ch Ravindra Guru Nanak Institutions image/svg+xml



Brain Tumors, MRI, Deep Learning, CNN, Radiologist, AUC


INTRODUCTION: The primary goal of artificial intelligence (AI) is to develop computers that exhibit human-like behavior and functionality. Computer-based activities employing artificial intelligence encompass a variety of extra features beyond only pattern detection, planning, and problem resolution.

METHODOLOGY: Machines use a set of techniques collectively called "deep learning." Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is employed with the use of deep learning methods to develop models that can effectively identify and classify brain cancers. This technique facilitates the rapid and straightforward detection of brain cancers. Brain problems mainly arise from the abnormal multiplication of brain cells, leading to detrimental alterations in brain structure and finally culminating in the development of cancer in the brain, malignant. Early detection of brain tumors along with following effective intervention can reduce mortality rates. This paper proposes convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture to effectively detect brain cancers using magnetic resonance (MR) images.

RESULTS: This research further examines several models, including ResNet-50, VGG16, and Inception V3, and compares the proposed architecture and these models. For the efficacy of the models, many measures were evaluated, including accuracy, recall, loss, and area under the curve (AUC). After analyzing several models and comparing them with the suggested model using the specified metrics, it was determined that the proposed model exhibited superior performance compared to the alternative models. Based on an analysis conducted on data from 3265 MR images.

CONCLUSION: It was seen that the CNN model exhibited a classification precision of 93.3%. Additionally, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was determined to be 98.43%, while the recall rate was 91.19%. Furthermore, the model's loss function yielded a value of 0.25. Based on a comparative analysis with other models, it can be inferred that the suggested model is highly reliable in detecting various types of brain cancers at an early stage.


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How to Cite

Sekhar Reddy LC, Elangovan M, Vamsikrishna M, Ravindra C. Brain Tumor Detection and Classification Using Deep Learning Models on MRI Scans. EAI Endorsed Trans Perv Health Tech [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];10. Available from: