Exploring Mental Fatigue and Burnout in the Workplace: A Survival Analysis Approach
Mental fatigue, Kaplan Meier, Nelson-Aalen, fatigue, Cox proportional-hazards, survival curve, burnoutAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Employee burnout is a prevalent concern in contemporary workplaces, adversely impacting both individual well-being and organizational productivity.
OBJECTIVES: In this paper, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of a dataset focusing on mental fatigue and burnout among employees, employing various survival analysis techniques including Kaplan Meier, Nelson-Aalen, and Cox proportional-hazards models, as well as Frailty Models and Competing Risks Analysis.
METHODS: This research underscored significant associations between mental fatigue, burnout, and adverse outcomes, emphasizing the critical need for early identification and intervention. Kaplan Meier analysis revealed differences in survival probabilities, while Nelson-Aalen analysis depicted cumulative hazard functions over time. Cox proportional-hazards models identified mental fatigue and burnout as significant predictors of adverse events, supported by Frailty Models accounting for individual-level variability. Additionally, Competing Risks Analysis elucidated the simultaneous occurrence of multiple adverse events among employees experiencing burnout.
RESULTS: This research underscored significant associations between mental fatigue, burnout, and adverse outcomes, emphasizing the critical need for early identification and intervention. Kaplan Meier analysis revealed differences in survival probabilities, while Nelson-Aalen analysis depicted cumulative hazard functions over time. Cox proportional-hazards models identified mental fatigue and burnout as significant predictors of adverse events, supported by Frailty Models accounting for individual-level variability. Additionally, Competing Risks Analysis elucidated the simultaneous occurrence of multiple adverse events among employees experiencing burnout.
CONCLUSION: This study contributes valuable insights into understanding and addressing mental fatigue in the workplace, highlighting the importance of evidence-based interventions to support employee well-being and organizational resilience. The insights gained from this analysis inform evidence-based strategies for mitigating burnout-related risks and promoting a healthier work environment.
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